Marcia's Leadership Q&A
/A. This answer will be different for each individual. Time every day (even 10 or 30 minutes) for self-care is rejuvenating. I’ll share a few ideas, and see what resonates for you.
Over time, you might try different ideas. Be quiet, close your eyes, reflect on your days: did you accomplish what you planned; did you help someone; did you refer someone; what did you learn; what mistakes did you make; what will you improve tomorrow; what’s your plan for tomorrow?
Other options are to listen to a podcast or in Clubhouse; read an article; write a thank you card, a letter, a poem, or write in your journal. Do some physical activity, a video exercise class. Do something that you enjoy for yourself. Or do something special for someone else: send flowers and surprise someone
Think about the people who make a difference in your life, often times those closest to you and thank them and give them recognition, both children and adults.
A. Over the past year, people have experienced such different situations. Some have had to work less hours or leave the workforce due to family obligations. Some have worked less hours but improved their efficiency and productivity. Others have gotten consumed with work and Zoom meetings.
Part of work becoming all-consuming may be the habits you’ve created. If they’re not healthy, it’s time to break the bad habits and create new ones. When you think about your Wheel of Life, what are the parts that make up your life? Family, hobbies, friends, career, fitness and sports, health, finances, spiritual, school, romance? Are you dedicating your time and energy (not just your words) to the parts of your life that are important to you?
Schedule time to dedicate to the parts important to you. Put healthy limits on the parts that are consuming you. Schedule your work hours. Set up consistent habits so you feel a division of work and home life. Create some routine at the beginning and end of your day so that you prepare for your day.
Then change your venue to begin your work day. Take breaks and get a change of scenery; take a walk or a drive for 10 or 30 minutes. Interact with different people. Then go back to work. Finish your day and shift your venue again.
Do something for yourself, with family or friends to take the mental break. Both routine and some creative outlets and variety will be refreshing and healthy. Keep trying new things and see what helps you feel better.