Marcia's Leadership Q and As: Business Pivots with AI
/Q. AI has popped up in our business conversations, and we’re clueless. Where do we begin?
A. The impact of AI in business, education, healthcare and across all sectors has begun. Actually it began decades ago just as the Internet and computer age seemed to develop slow, then fast. For every organization, AI can and will play a significant role. The faster your executive team and you tap in on your whole staff to explore and learn about AI and how it can help you be more creative and efficient with your organization, the better. It’s time to attend conferences, workshops, webinars.
It’s time to read articles and practice using AI. One key question is, how can you leapfrog the way you are doing the work today and save time? How can robots or machines operate where people are doing the redundant, repetitive work? Can houses be cleaned and crops be planted and fertilized without workers in the field?
Early adopters of AI experience tremendous opportunities and results. AI won’t merely bring changes, but will transform the way we think, create, work, improve, and interact. Innovation will abound.
Develop continually the natural leadership of all employees. Create listening forums and opportunities to tap in on the creativity of your organizations. Great times are ahead. And using AI to create solutions for large and societal issues will be an asset.