Marcia's Leadership Q and As: Workers Return—Create a New Culture

Q. Our workers are returning to the office. How can we optimize this change?

A. Change can be difficult. People resist change if it is disruptive and they perceive they face loss. It may be loss of time, freedom, or the ability to make better choices for their lives. 

On the other hand, change can be embraced if the changes lead to improvements and enhanced relationships and communication. The vision of the improvements need to be clearly communicated. Too often communication is unclear and not shared. No one know all of the answers through changing times, but together people can work through issues and learn to make a difference.

As workers return to the office, the more that leaders and teams share and share ideas, concerns, and problem solving, the more all will benefit. Leaders will create a new environment and realize that the culture they had years ago and over Zoom will pivot. Together they will create a new culture with a new direction, energy, and determination. The question will elicit new responses and creativity. What people need across an organization is connection, empathy, and respect. 

The new behaviors will flow from leadership all the way through an organization and to customers. Flow is essential. Look for hurdles and barriers, and remove them together. People at all levels will be adjusting both in their personal and professional lives over the next months. Facilitate new possibilities and learning for better outcomes.