Marcia's Leadership Q and A's: Are You Really Connected to Your Customers?

Q. My team feels disconnected from our customers. What are people best doing to keep in touch?

A. It’s fascinating during these times when communication is paramount that some customers feel that their vendors and partners have disappeared. Others find that they are in constant contact and well-supported. During many months of chaos, teams either step up, assess new situations, and pivot to meet customers’ needs; or they hunker down.

Organizations need to pivot and escalate to meet clients’ or a new market’s needs rapidly. Communicating frequently with various methods (calls, emails, text message, newsletters, Zoom meetings, webinars) are all possible.  Use a variety of communication methods, and assess what works best for your customers. Reach out to customers frequently, in a variety of ways. Can you also create some fun ways to engage them? Can you send them something--small, thoughtful, but meaningful? Can you create Customer town hall times where they can call in and ask questions? Be creative, and be available and responsive.